Call for Abstracts

DEADLINE to submit: 5PM, Friday, January 31, 2020

Registration is now closed.

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All postdoctoral fellows and students are invited to submit an abstract for the upcoming 12th Annual Neuroscience Retreat (April 24, 2020) at The Riverside Church (located at 120th Street and 490 Riverside Drive).

The deadline for abstract submissions is 5PM, Friday, January 31, 2020.

* Indicate whether you would prefer to give a talk, Data Blitz or just display a poster.

Data Blitz Competition: The top abstracts submitted by a student or postdoc will be selected to present a 5 minute Data Blitz during the afternoon or morning session. All Data Blitz presentations will be judged by the audience via an online polling app that is available to anyone at the retreat that has a mobile device. The top presentations will receive an award. * To qualify for Data Blitz, your abstract must be from unpublished data.

* Please note that your abstract submission is also your RSVP to this year's 12th Annual Neuroscience Retreat.

If you have any questions, please contact Veronica Szarejko at

We look forward to your submissions!